Shui Qing is Sarah's Chinese name. It means clean or pure water. She was found on a stone bench at a water purifying plant in Nanjing ,China on the day she was born. In a way I am surprised at how people respond when they hear she was abandoned. I guess it just seems so normal to me...I am so caught up in this world of orphan awareness, I forget other people just don't know how common it is for a child to be abandoned. There are around 100,000 children (mostly girls) abandoned in China every year. But it is not just China, it's India, Ethiopia, Russia, Brazil, and..and.. Thousands upon thousands of children left by generally well meaning parents who for unknown reasons felt they had no other choice. Philip and Thomas (our two sons adopted from Thailand) were also abandoned probably for medical reasons. Both boys had correctable but life threatening medical needs. Many people in Thailand have no health insurance, and would be charged for their children's treatment if they could get treatment. We believe the birth parents did what they could to save the boys lives. And Sarah's birth parents probably felt they had no choice but to leave her where she could be found, and pray she has a better future. I am so grateful to God I have a choice to pick them up...I only wish other people would also choose to do the same! Abandoned children do not choose to spend their lives with out a family...but we must choose if we would be a family to one of these!