This blog covers our wait, travel, and adjustment to our 4 year old adopted Chinese daughter Sarah Shui Qing from Nanjing. There are over 1000 posts. I have moved my blog to Catching Butterflies 2. I hope you will enjoy reading this blog. It has alot of information on Special needs adoption. Follow us to our new address Catching Butterflies 2! Thank you for reading!

Thursday, December 06, 2007

Sarah got to meet Saint Nicolas this afternoon at the kindergarten. I don't have any pictures because parents weren't invited. Saint Nicolas gave her one of his old hats filled with lots of good stuff. She was a little afraid when I brought her to school. I had to talk her into staying. Boy was she jazzed when I went to pick her up! I hope the kindergarten took pictures, but I have these "after" shots. Oh what joy!!!