I'm sitting here on this cold December day, just a few short days before Christmas. I delivered my sweet Sarah to her kindergarten. She is very excited because the kindergarten Christmas party is tonight. Juergen will attend with her. I'm going to be on taxi duty (Thomas has drum lessons). I am living this Psycho life. I see my adopted children happy, growing, and thriving. They are not "perfect". Sarah has a mean temper, Thomas has an anger problem, Philip has learning problems. But they are all really growing...moving so far forward. Even Philip read to Juergen and I the other night. We were so worried about him, but he is finally starting to read. My heart hurts for all the others. All those children everywhere who have no parents to fight for them. They don't have Christmas trees, visits to Santa Clause, and too much candy. Most of them don't even know what it's like to own their own pair of shoes. If any one questions why I would want to adopt again...it's because I am so filled with grief when I think about all the "others". There is no shortage of waiting children, only too few families willing to step outside of their comfort zone and adopt them. Like I said, Juergen will attend Sarah's Christmas party. She will be dancing and singing. I hope he gets good photos. I'll post something for you. Thomas is a real natural on the drums. I use to play the drums too. He is good! My life would be missing so much without these kids. Maybe you need to consider what you're missing too!