Why did I change my blog template,or the look of my blog? I just
changed my blog to a beta format. This allows me to add some new
features, like photo album pages. I needed to use one of blog spots
standard templates, or rewrite the code myself every time I wanted to
change things. I took the simple ways! I think the new look looks good
for the fall! Maybe I will change it again for Christmas! Thank you for
all those who are praying for our papers! I got no news from our
agency. I wish they would do a better job keeping us informed but I've
heard they (IAAP) are just really very busy right now. I am sure things
are being worked on, but somethings just take time! By the way,it was
notIAAP's fault our papers got lost. DHL lost the papers. I hope everything is finally settled by next week, and our papers can finally (FINALLY) go to China.
Oh, and I added a book list! I've read every book on the list (remember this is our 3rd adoption) & feel these were good books. 10% of the money you spend on these books will go to Love Without Boundaries.