I want to keep before you the eyes of this beautiful baby boy Cao XiaoCao. He just turned 1 years old in Nanjing, China. He is in the same orphanage as Sarah. Many people have seen him, and say he is wonderful! IAAP has waived their adoption fees for this sweetheart. There are grants that could cover all other adoption costs. He has a giant nevus on his lower trunk and thighs, and many "satellites" scattered over his body. They may hide some of his skin...but they cannot hide his loving personality and sweet soul! Please, if you are looking at Chinese adoption, please consider this adorable child. Other wise pray...pray for a family to come forward. If eyes are the window to the soul, this boy has the most beautiful soul! He needs treatment for his skin, and a loving family for an amazing future!
For more information contact IAPP about Cao XiaoCao. If you adopt him, I will go out of my way to get you update photos and a personal report of him when we pick Sarah up. God willing, I plan on meeting him!