Today I finally received one of my Christmas gifts. Juergen got me a copy of the 1958 movie "The inn of the sixth happiness" with Ingrid Bergman. It took 6 weeks to get here, but it was worth the wait. Amazon says this about the film...
"All her life Englishwoman Gladys Aylward knew that China was the place where she belonged. Not qualified to be sent there as a missionary, Gladys works as a domestic to earn the money to send herself to a poor, remote village. There she eventually lives a full and happy life: running the inn, acting as "foot inspector", advising the local Mandarin and even winning the heart of mixed race Captain Lin Nan. But Gladys discovers her real destiny when the country is invaded by Japan and the Chinese children need her to save their lives. Based on a true story."
It is a tear jurker for anyone who loves China, and the beautiful children of China.
The movie was based on a book called The Small Woman by Alan Burgess. Now I've got to get a copy of this book! I just love what God is able to do through small people with big dreams!
Update: I found a used copy of The small women on Amazon.de just now for only
9 Euro! It must be my day!!! Maybe I will save it to read on the airplane to China!