We finally got our official Log In Date (LID) and it took awhile to log us in! We are not as far along as I would have hoped! I guess we need to wait until March or April to travel! I guess I will get sad about this, but for right now I am just happy to actually have a real date! I guess China will be prettier to see in the spring time! I am trusting God does have a plan! For today, I am excited to be reading the blog of my friend Hedda. She received her beautiful daughter Maddie today. Maddie might be Sarah's "best" friend. We always see them together in many photos. Today I am happy Maddie has her family. I think it's realistic to be thinking we will travel in March. If we are blessed to go any earlier,well I would be pleasantly surprised! OK,pray for me,I am going to go cry over the lateness of our TA! I am pretty sure I will have peace after a good cry and maybe some chocolate ice cream!
PS. do not kick me...I am honestly sad, but I know this is not the end of the world!