This blog covers our wait, travel, and adjustment to our 4 year old adopted Chinese daughter Sarah Shui Qing from Nanjing. There are over 1000 posts. I have moved my blog to Catching Butterflies 2. I hope you will enjoy reading this blog. It has alot of information on Special needs adoption. Follow us to our new address Catching Butterflies 2! Thank you for reading!

Friday, August 03, 2007

I like all the ideas from the fun things to do in the summer contest. I can not decide on a "winner". I thought all the ideas were great. I'm going to send a care package to Fran, Beverly, and Kim because you took the time to post. Thank you for all your great comments too. Kim is in China this week adopting her son Sheridan from Nanjing. You can follow their blog Here. Frans grand daughters just came for a visit! Beverly is just hanging out trying to stay cool...but she is such a great encouraging person! You can read her blog Motherhood and other ramblings. You can read all those super summer fun ideas on my adoption forum located on the side bar.