This blog covers our wait, travel, and adjustment to our 4 year old adopted Chinese daughter Sarah Shui Qing from Nanjing. There are over 1000 posts. I have moved my blog to Catching Butterflies 2. I hope you will enjoy reading this blog. It has alot of information on Special needs adoption. Follow us to our new address Catching Butterflies 2! Thank you for reading!

Saturday, February 17, 2007

China is now entering into the Golden Year of the Pig. This only happens every 60 years. The pig is always considered a good sign to be born under because it is a fat and happy animal that does not need to work hard. This year it's not just any old pig, it is a golden pig...meaning a child born in this year never worries about anything beyond food and sleep.They will have a rich and easy life! I wonder if that applies to kids adopted in this golden year? Happy New Year!