In India the economy is booming but some 35 million of the one billion population are orphans and around 300 million people are living on less than $1 a day -- of whom 140 million are children.
Here is a CNN article on an outreach to the children.
HERE is a good source of information about adoption from India.
Parent Qualifications: Guidelines in India are flexible based on the needs of the child. Married couples and single women may adopt. There must be no more than three children already in your home. Couples adopting infants must have a combined age no greater than 90, and neither parent should be older than 55. (This rule is flexible for couples who wish to adopt older children.).
Travel: Travel is usually 3-5 days.
Time line: You may wait 0-6 months for a referral once your home study has been approved.
China will not allow singles to adopt after May of this year, so India may be a good option for some!