Hi, I want to highlight a comment from of of my readers. It's really a testimony of how they raised over $7000 towards an adoption. I thought if you don't actually read the comments, you might want to have me point this out. I thought is was really great to hear about her whole community standing behind them! What a blessing!!!
Denna said...
"Amy, First we are in a small community where it seems like everybody knows everybody. I also have tons of church friends. Everybody was very supportive of our adoption. I truly have to say God's hand was on our adoption and He allowed the money to come. When God is in something, he will not leave you in the dark to take care of it by yourself.
My dad and one of his friends cooked Barbecue. Others pitched in and made baked beans, slaw,potato salad. They then sold barbecue plates. People in our community knew that my dad and this other man made the best barbecue. It did not take people long to find out, and orders started coming in. The day of the sale, was wonderful. It brings tears to my eyes now. We sold the plates for $6.00. People would come and if the order came up to $12.00, they would throw a $20.00 in. Many would give $100.00 or $200.00. Most of these was our friends, but many was just community people who knew my dad.
My parents had two fundraisers. A fish fry, and a barbecue. (everybody loves my dads fish) I also had two friends that did a Yard Sale for us. Those two sales brought a good bit of money in. Our church gave us a love offering to help us out. It was truly amazing to see the love of my community, church, family, and friends."
Denna,I think it is great that so many people stood behind you in your adoption, and helped you raise money.I think most of us have more support then we realize, we just need to be willing to ask! Denna has her own blog. It's called Two Little Darlings.
Thank's Denna! BTW, I asked her if I could put her in the spot light!