Ideas on raising money for adoption
I think one of the main reasons people decide not to pursue international adoption is the cost (between $10,000 and $30,000). A tax credit is given for adoption. The information for this is on the sidebar of this page. There are also a number of links listed for grants and loans. Among the links,is an organization called Kingdom Kids. if you contact them then you maybe able to set up a tax deductible account that your friends and family would be allowed to donate to. They would receive a tax deduction, and you get the money for your adoption. If you have not set up an account with kingdom kids, this would be a good place to start! There is a yahoo group to help generate fund raising ideas for adoption. That link is HERE. Some people design items to sell on cafe press. You e-mail them a jpg of your design,and they put it on t-shirts, handbags,baseball caps etc. I don't think they actually print anything until it is ordered. They send you a small share of the profits. I'm not sure how much money this would bring in,but if you have a number of friends and family willing to buy a t-shirt for your cause it may help a little! I am no graphic artist, but I would love to help some of you design a t-shirt for cafe press. Some people make a Quilt and then sell raffle tickets for it,setting up an account on pay pal.If you don't sew maybe you know someone who does? Quilts are very popular in the adoption community, and if you put an off topic post on yahoo groups announcing your raffle you may get a good response! E-bay has very nice Quilt tops for great prices. If you win the bid on a quilt top, and just have friends help you with putting a back on the quilt it will save you both time and money! The chief thing you need to know is adoption is at the heart of God. Not many people are willing to step out of the boat and try to adopt. If you have taken this step,and are a stable loving person willing to commit your self to raise an orphan then the money is the small part! Contact Kingdom Kids and also the Yahoo fund raising group.
PS. Please tell everyone how you have raised money for adoption. Your good ideas may help kids around the world find a way home to a family!!! Post your ideas on the forum.