My autistic daughter Jessica loves snow globes, so I was looking at them on e-bay about 6 weeks before Christmas(this was a few years ago). I thought I would get her a few snow globes for Christmas. I saw that someone was selling 4700 snow globes and the price was only 15 Euro. At the time the Euro was almost equal to the US dollar. The shipping would be almost $300 . I talked Juergen into buying them, and giving them away to people for donations to AAI's children's home in Ethiopia. We asked our Church to help. People took boxes to work and school to give away. They where "free", we really wanted to get rid of them. Some people just took them but others donated money. We ended up raising over $4000 for Ethiopia. Then we gave the left over globes to an International school, and they made another $800 to help send a teacher to South America to help poor children. I am wondering what we can do this year?