This blog covers our wait, travel, and adjustment to our 4 year old adopted Chinese daughter Sarah Shui Qing from Nanjing. There are over 1000 posts. I have moved my blog to Catching Butterflies 2. I hope you will enjoy reading this blog. It has alot of information on Special needs adoption. Follow us to our new address Catching Butterflies 2! Thank you for reading!

Friday, November 02, 2007

I was sitting in my room today wondering about the miracle that Sarah is now German. I got a letter from The US Dept. of Home Land Security stating that Sarah is not a US citizen. We need to apply for yet another visa that cost $500 (we already spent over $600 for the first visa, traveled to Guangzhou during the trade fair, and traveled to the USA). All of this would REALLY BOTHER ME, but it doesn’t because Sarah now has a German passport. She is no longer Chinese, she is German. She can travel on a European passport. She doesn’t face deportation. With the USA I went to the trouble of crossing every T, and dotting every i but it was not enough. With Germany, I did not even have a visa…but they let us in (this really was a miracle)! If I wait until Sarah lives with us 2 years I can apply for yet another US visa that only cost $15, I’m going to wait! I’m just grateful Sarah is now German!