This blog covers our wait, travel, and adjustment to our 4 year old adopted Chinese daughter Sarah Shui Qing from Nanjing. There are over 1000 posts. I have moved my blog to Catching Butterflies 2. I hope you will enjoy reading this blog. It has alot of information on Special needs adoption. Follow us to our new address Catching Butterflies 2! Thank you for reading!

Thursday, March 08, 2007

This is my son Thomas. We met him over 6 years ago when we went to Thailand to pick up Philip( our first adopted son). We adopted Thomas in April of 2004. Today Germany finally recognized his adoption, and officially changed his name to Thomas Heymann. He is now a German citizen, and even though he has been our son for nearly 3 years, the government recognizes him as being 100% ours. We went to the toy store and bought a huge number of new hot wheels to celebrate! Tomorrow we apply for his new passport, just in time for his trip to China!

The video is also on the sidebar. It is our first two years with Thomas.